10 Ways to Optimize your Google My Business

Meta Title10 Ways to Optimize your Google My Business 

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Meta Description – For a local business, GMB results are very important. If you rank higher than your competitor, you can increase your business. Learn 10 ways to Optimize Google My Business. 

Meta Keywords – Google My Business Optimization 

10 Ways to Optimize your Google My Business – Rank Better Than Your Competitors 

Google My Business (GMB) helps to rank better locally. In the year 2017-2018, its importance for ranking increased by 19% to 25%, according to MOZ.  

In my experience, I saw, that most of the local search results are highly dominated by Google My Business in the last 3-4 years. And GMB result signals are deciding the local search results. 

In a quick survey, I found that around 80% of GMB Listings are never optimized and Listing owners never write a post. Therefore, every ambitious business owner should take advantage of this opportunity, And optimize their Google My Business. 

I am writing 10 ways to optimize your GMB. 

1. Business Optimization by Keywords 

Find the “Top Most Searched Keywords” for your business, and include in the Title of your business. 

Example – If XYZ company sells plumbing items locally in Jaipur. The title should be – 

XYZ Company – Plumbing, Bathroom, Fitting, Pipes, Faucets Items in Jaipur 

Go to Info -> Click on the area I pointed on the image and put your title there. 

Tip – It will provide you instant results. Change it to your main keywords. But don’t overuse this method. Don’t change keywords every day. Think, analyze and select keywords and do changes once in a month. 

2. Increase Your Review 10x from your Competitors 

Google My Business takes signals from your reviews. The more you have reviews, the more you will get visibility. Increase your reviews 10x from your competitors. 

The question arises, how to take reviews?

First, make a shareable link from https://whitespark.ca/google-review-link-generator/

Share your links to your customers, colleagues & relatives via Email, Social Media, Website, &, etc. 

Google Marketing Kit to Increase GMB Reviews

You can get a marketing kit from Google to increase your GMB Reviews. Get your Free Google Marketing Kit from here – https://marketingkit.withgoogle.com/

Put your business name and get a free kit, and upload to your Website to get direct reviews from customers. 

Tip – If people directly come to your business place, take their mobile number. And send them a link via Whatsapp. Request them to give positive reviews instantly. It works a lot. You can 10x your reviews. 

3. Show Your Business to Customers by 360° Virtual Tour

It is another Signal to optimize your GMB. Google wants to increase users’ comfort through GMB. If you provide more information to your customer, that will be a plus point. Show your business interior to your customer. 

Tip – For 360° Virtual Tour, hire a Google 360° View Professional https://www.google.com/streetview/contacts-tools/

4. Put all of your Products & Services 

It is also very crucial to put your products and services to tell more about your business to Google and your customers. 

Click on Post-> Add Product with Name, price, and range. 

Tip –  If you have services, put your services into the product area. And also put your services into the service section.

Click info-> Click Services Section -> add a section, add an item with price, and description. 

5. Write Brief Description for your Business into the About Section 

I have seen business owners write about business establishment dates, visions, and missions. They write about their CEO, owner, and professionalism. However, you should write about the benefits which you are serving to your customer. No one cares who is a business owner, people care about what they are going to get from you?

Click on Info-> Below Attribute -> Write description 

6. Include as many as Photos & Videos you can upload 

Again, this is very important for the user’s point of view. Before reaching you, a customer wants to see your business image, your team image, your building image, interior, exterior, videos, and etc. Give complete solution to them before they visit you. 

Tip – Click on the insights -> Go to Photo Views -> See the number of times your photos are viewed and compare with your competitors. You will see clear insights. The more you put photos and videos, the more you will be visible.  

7. Download Google My Business App – Do Daily Interview, Upload Pics & Videos

Through Google My Business App, make a post every day, and upload photos and videos. Daily updates can bring your results to the top locally. 

Does the question arise what to post daily?

  1. Benefits 
  2. Free Advice
  3. Interview with real people
  4. Feedback with real people 

Tip – Take a photo with your customer and upload into GMB. Take small feedback video with a mobile camera and upload into GMB. Do it daily, no one can chase you easily. 

Download GMB (Android) – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.vega&hl=en_IN

Download GMB (iPhone) – https://apps.apple.com/in/app/google-my-business/id853371601

8. Primary & Additional Categories 

Put your business category in Primary Category and also fill in Additional Categories for giving deep insight into your business. 

Tip – Put 2-3 Additional Categories related to your business to improve your searches. Suppose, your primary category is “Internet Marketing Service”, mention what deep service you provide like “web designer”, “web hosting”, etc. 

9. Business Welcome Message 

Give your customers to warm welcome message when they send a message to your business. Put your phone number, click next and put your welcome message. 

Tip – In a welcome message, write something interesting which attract in a first glance. It may be an offer, your invention, free things, and etc.

10. Reply to All Reviews 

This is very important to engage customers. Reply to all of your customer’s message. If you are getting any negative reviews, don’t leave it. Reply to negative reviews too. 

For negative reviews, try to give solution to your angry customer. Give them a new offer to solve his problem in reply. If it is your mistake, apologize. 

It shows, how good you are? 

How do you care for your customers? 

How do you behave with your customers?

People notice all these things, your character, your support, and your care. 

Tip – Reply within 24 hours, which shows how you are fast in serving your customers. 


I shared 10 ways of ‘how you can optimize your Google My Business?’. I myself used for many good companies and got higher visibility after doing just these 10 kinds of stuff. If you like the content, please comment and bookmark. If anything has remained and you want to ask something, please comment to me. 

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